Science Behind the IRCTC booking system (Seat Allotment in trains)

Why IRCTC won't let you pick your favourite berth

The reasonThe reasonr successfully logging into IRCTC website you pray your next wish is answered. Your favourite window seat. You see there are almost 500 tickets available. You thank your stars and say no way you are losing a window seat.

The reason

After successfully logging into IRCTC website you pray your next wish is answered. Your favourite window seat. You see there are almost 500 tickets available. You thank your stars and say no way you are losing a window seat.
Finally when you book, you don't get the window seat you opted for but you still find 499 tickets remaining. So why is this?

Science behind the seating
Science behind the seating

Imagine there are sleeper class coaches in a train numbered S1, S2 S3... S10, and in every coach there are 72 seats. So when someone first books a ticket, software will assign a seat in the middle coach like S5, middle seat numbered between 30-40, and preferably lower berths.

This is because Indian Railways will fill the lower berths than upper one so as to achieve low centre of gravity.

What happens if tickets are booked randomly
What happens if tickets are booked randomly

A train runs at an average speed of around 70km/hr. Assume that S1, S2, S3 are full and S5, S6 are empty and others are partially full, when the train takes a turn, some coaches face maximum centrifugal force and some minimum.

This poses grave danger of derailment. When brakes are applied there will be different braking forces acting at each of these coaches because of the huge weight differences, creating a disruption in the train's stability.
Via: Quora

Another factor
Another factor

Profiling is also a factor while allocating seats. Pregnant women and senior citizens are given lower berth seats.


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